Saturday, December 13, 2014

The role of the workers union within a democracy

While we are one of the few countries in the EU where voters are obliged to vote, we seem to ignore the fact that after casting our voice in a proper and organized way, carefully executed as an exemplary election for the world to see, we still have these major disruptive strikes organized by the unions. The democratic elected majority gets to form a government that fixes the priorities for the next legislation and not withstanding this very democratic process, we encounter today this actual wave of strikes !

With all respect for the achievement of the workers unions over the past centuries, I feel the time has come to reflect on their role. It definitely cannot be that they form a 'dictatorship' within the democracy. We all had our chance (even obliged) to cast our votes during elections, so when the unions now start the strikes, not limited to a specific enterprise or sector, one could wonder whether those are not politically oriented ? Is this the role of the union? A dictatorship within the democracy? Isn't it time that we respect democracy also from a workers union perspective? We have to recognize together what the playing field should look like, otherwise the elections (the cornerstone of our democracy) have no meaning nor value ....

If you allow me to refer to "professor Paul de Grauwe in De Financiƫle Telegraaf", we are striking our economy down the drain! For simplicity reasons, we have an estimation of the total cost to our economy of about 1 Billion Euro, just because the unions want to boycott the necessary measures to get this country back on track ! Because of this, we are charging the future generation (our children !!!) with an extra debt of 1 Billion Euro !! Do they realize what kind of responsibility they are carrying on their shoulders ?

We should not be blind to the global economic reality, those who are on strike still have the luxury to work ....Question is : how much longer ?

After so many years of socialist dominated governments, you have still not understood the facts of a global economy ....? If we want to take care of our social system, we need to be able to pay for it and in order to do so, in order to take care of the sick, the elderly, the children, the disabled, the weak...we have to change and stand strong and gain our competitive advantage ! What was once will never come back, but we can once again conquer the future in a global competitive economy. I would like to encourage you to read "Who moved my cheese" by Spencer Johnson, an amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life .  I recommend our Unions leadership to read and understand what has been written there!

Herman Timmermans

These writings are solely my personal opinion and do not reflect anything else .