Sunday, January 23, 2011

Belgium ? Is it real ?

A country you can hate and love, yes it exists ...Belgium.  The only democracy where the minority always gets their way over the majority.  A democracy that is no democracy, it is just a bunch of so called political parties who try to get a majority (whatever politcal program they represent, they all forget about that immediately after the elections) and to get as soon as possible into position to exercise the power associated with this position, fill their pockets with tax money while doing nothing usefull in the mean time.  Voting again a number of useless laws that again put extra useless rules on the community that serve no purpose at all.  A country where you can ignore the constitution when it doesn't fit your needs, a country where you can become a mayor even when you totally disrespect all legal ground rules.  A country where the tax payers not only pay for a King, but also his successor and the rest of the complete family,... maybe I should ask some tax money for all my relatives as well ? .... I could go on for ever !

Yes, it is Belgium!

Time to stop this artificial country ...NOW!!  Time to start building on a new society in Flandres, Wallonia and Brussels.  Time to stop this 19th century artificial country to act as a buffer between France, Germany and the Netherlands.  Time to gain our own identity !  Time for a real republic.

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